Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring Fling Writing Contest Entry

This gif made me think of all the babies - both of the animal variety and human - (my daughter is a May baby) that we see in the spring time. Please see my entry below inspired by this gif. Hope you enjoy!

Spring is Baby Summer (133 words)

Spring is baby summer.
It will be here soon!
We preen the yard.
Ready our home.
We open windows.
Spring cleaning.

Spring is baby summer.
It cries a lot,
And thunders too.
My rubber boots
Splash Spring’s tears
Gathered in puddles for me.

Spring is baby summer.
Everything is tiny.
Tiny buds,
Tiny shoots,
Tiny blooms.
All growing up so fast.

Spring is baby summer
Chalk and bubbles,
On a warm driveway.
Until Spring gets tired
The sun dips during dinner,
We need coats again.

Spring is baby summer
We feed her bulbs,
We feed her seeds.
What a silly mess!
The grass gets mowed,
Spring’s first haircut.

Spring is baby summer
When the vines thicken,
The leaves stretch wide.
Deeper green, they rustle
Announcing to sunscreened faces
“I’m not a baby anymore.”


  1. What a fabulous metaphor! I love the picture of the baby summer crying and thundering. Great job, and good luck!

  2. Spring as a baby--very unusual! You do a great job explaining the correlations. Good luck!

  3. Cool take on all the newness of spring as a baby. I love the first haircut. Great job!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Monica!

  4. Nice job of describing all the things possible to do during spring.

  5. I love the parallelism here! Great job!

  6. I love this analogy, so perfect and sweet. My favorite part:
    Spring is baby summer.
    It cries a lot,
    And thunders too.

    Oh so true! My daughter's 3rd birthday is today so ALL of this resonated with me, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing and entering 😊

    1. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. My daughter will be 4 in May. Happy Birthday to your big 3 year old :)

  7. I absolutely love this metaphor of spring as a baby. "Spring is baby summer" is one of the cutest and most endearing things I've ever read, especially because you developed the idea so well! Very creative and unique. Well done and good luck in the contest!

    1. Wow Danielle, thank you for such great encouragement <3 <3

  8. I love thinking of spring as baby summer! I already call Thursday "Little Friday" in my mind because it makes me happy, so now I'm going to think of spring in that same way. :) Good luck!

    1. Thank you Jolene :) I love "little Friday" haha!
