Saturday, October 27, 2018


A pinch of toad lips. Check.
A sprinkle of ground spider. Check.
Cauldron simmering on medium-low. Check.

Have a sip of sludge, Boo, and I’ll have the pet I’ve always wanted! 1-2-3, a howling werewolf you will BE!


I said a howling werewolf you’ll be.

“Shiver me timbers, it’s dank in here. And what’s that smell, Matey?”

It’s sludge. You aren’t hairy! No fangs?

“You don’t like my gold teeth?”

I’d better check the recipe. Tombstones! It calls for smoked spider. 

“And your toad lips are expired.”

Can’t you at least howl?



A Witch in a Bind

I’m a witch with a problem.
A witch in a bind.
I put on my hat
and what do I find?

A hole! Yes, a hole.
And a big one at that.
In the worst of all places,
My pointy witch hat!

I shiver at the thought
Of howling wind upon my head.
I’d rather this big hole
Be in my cauldron instead.

By Goblins, I’ve got it!
I’ve thought up a way,
I just need a mirror
And lots of hairspray!

It’s pointy perfection!
I do look a fright.
I’m finally ready

For Halloween night.